The media of the Vice Rector’s Office for Research

The Vice Rector’s Office for Research has among its responsibilities to supervise, coordinate, promote and disseminate scientific research in the University of Costa Rica.

Among its functions there is the strengthening of scientific culture that promotes dissemination, promotion and recognition of science, technology, and innovation as a cultural and social heritage.

It also promotes communication processes of science, technology, and innovation as well as the making of audiovisual, multimedia, or interactive contents through diverse platforms of the dissemination that offers technology, in such a way that they could favor the outreach of results and findings of research. Since almost two decades ago, the Vice Rector’s Office has managed the current main formats of means of communication like radio, television, and Internet.


PORTAL DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN (Website of research)

The Portal de la Investigación was created on December 5th, 2007 in the Vice Rector’s Office for Research. It is a means of communication and service to the scientific community, the press, and the general public. It regularly publishes updated information on projects, programs, and activities about scientific research in the University of Costa Rica and the National System of Science and Technology.

Home Page:


Cápsula informativa girasol (girasol informative capsule)

It is a digital publication created in 1999 with summarized information of the academic activities related to national university research. It is published each Wednesday. This means gets to approximately 4300 subscriber clients who belong to the communities of researchers, principals, institutes, stations and experimental farms, journalists from regional and national media, institutions from the System of Science and Technology and the international subscribers.

More information at the email:

See Archive of Cápsulas Informativas Girasol


Radiophonic program at the academy

The program “En la Academia” was created in March, 2008 as an initiative from the Vice Rector of Research. It is broadcasted through Radio Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) at 96.7 FM frequency every Thursday from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm. It is composed of interviews to researchers from UCR and abroad related to projects and research activities. This space lasts half an hour and it offers a dialogue between the guest researcher and the conductor of the program  M.Sc. Carolina Carazo Barrantes, email:, telephone (506) 2511-6400 (ECCC) o (506) 2511-5830 (Vice Rector’s Office for Research).

More information at the email 

Listen to Series En la Academia


Audio visual series sinapsis

The Vice Rector’s Office for Research created the audio-visual Series SINAPSIS on June 27th, 2013. From that time on, it is biweekly released in the Portal of Research, Channel UCR and the social networks of the Vice Rector’s Office.

It has two short journals that last from three to four minutes where they show the results of the scientific research of the University of Costa Rica.

The researchers narrate their motivations, experiences, and findings of their research projects in process or completed.

In this way, the public is aware of the valuable contributions of these makers of the scientific and technological research in our country.

For information, comments or suggestions please contact the journalist Manrique Vindas Segura at (506) 2511-5838, to the email /or the email   See Serie Sinapsis


More information in the Unit of Promotion of the Vice Rector’s Office for Research to the telephone numbers (506) 2511-1338, (506) 2511-5838, fax number  (506) 2224-9367  or emails: and