
The Political Economy of Segmented Expansion

Social Science

Latin American politics and society are at a crossroads, simultaneously confronting serious challenges and remarkable opportunities that are likely to be shaped by formal institutions and informal practices alike. The new Politics and Society in Latin America Cambridge Elements series will offer multidisciplinary and methodologically pluralist contributions on the most important topics and problems confronted by the region.

The series seeks two types of contributions (averaging 25,000 words in length): 1) state of the art and agenda-setting pieces, primarily by established scholars in the field; and 2) empirically rich contributions on cutting-edge and emerging topics in Latin American politics and society. The series’ intended audiences are faculty, students, and practitioners.  Free download

Autor: Camila Arza, Rossana Castiglioni, Juliana Martínez Franzoniy and others

Editorial: Cambridge University Press