Investigation Units

Arts and Letters

Philosophy Research Institute (INIF, for its acronym in Spanish)

It is dedicated to the investigation of philosophy itself and its impact on different fields of human activity. It encourages research at the School of Philosophy and at the Graduate Program in Philosophy. It also supports and promotes initiatives aimed at philosophical analysis at the University of Costa Rica. It is ascribed to the College of Letters.



  • To plan, coordinate and carry out research in the philosophical disciplines.

Main functions

  • To strengthen the academic production on philosophy through the appropriate academic, administrative and financial management.
  • To integrate research, teaching and community outreach related to the philosophical work.
  • To link INIF’s philosophical work with other national and international entities.
  • To communicate and disseminate the philosophical work developed at INIF.


Non Remunerated

  • Training courses in coordination with CENDEISS (for its acronym in Spanish).