Investigation Units

Engineering and Architecture

National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Models (LanammeUCR, for its acronym in Spanish)

The National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Modes is an academic entity of research ascribed to the School of Civil Engineering of the University of Costa Rica.

It was founded in the 1950`s. It is a national laboratory specialized on applied research, teaching and technological transference in civil and road infrastructure protection and vital lines.



  • Its main objective is the creation of specialized knowledge and its transference, as well as the provision of services to private companies, autonomous institutions, academic institutions, specialized centers and local governments with safe modern technological processes that reinforce competitiveness in the field of transport infrastructure, seismic, structural, materials and geotechnical engineering.

Main functions

  • Laboratory tests of materials and calibrations in magnitude force
  • Support to teaching and final graduation works of the School of Civil Engineering
  • Support to the Municipalities in management of roads infrastructure
  • Collaboration in the development of standards
  • Research
  • Technical Auditing to projects of roads infrastructure
  • Specialized courses of continuous education
  • Inspection of bridges
  • Evaluation of the national roads net



  • Testing of materials for construction: concrete and aggregates, steel, structures, soils, asphalt, asphaltic mixture, field tests in works of road infrastructure, tests of paintings
  • Instruments and force equipment calibrations