
Unit of Management and Transference of Knowledge for the Innovation (PROINNOVA, for its acronym in Spanish)


  • The University created the Office of Management and Knowledge Transfer for Innovation (PROINNOVA) ascribed to the Vice Rector of Research with the main objective of bringing new developed knowledge to be applied to common problems of our society. Its mission is “to manage, protect and transfer knowledge for innovation, the one generated by the UCR, as well as to promote, advice and train on creativity, innovation and intellectual property to impact the external sectors”.


  • Attention of consultations regarding the intellectual property.
  • Attention of consultations about topics of protection and transference of new knowledge generated in the UCR.
  • Advice and guidance in the process of protection and transference of knowledge with innovating potential generated by the UCR.
  • Registration of the intellectual property of the UCR before the Registro Nacional or at an international level.
  • Trainings and talks about topics on creativity, competitive intelligence, intellectual property and managing of innovation.
  • Management of the cases of innovation of the UCR.


Licda. Merlin Geannina Sojo Navarro

Position: Director
Phone: (506) 2511-1344

Gabriela Camacho Saborío

Position: Director's assistant
Phone: (506) 2511-1359

Ing. Manuel Flores Morales

Position: Manager of Agri-Food Science and Health
Phone: (506) 2511-5834

M.A.P. Cynthia Céspedes Alfaro

Position: Manager of Innovation on Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
Phone: (506) 2511-1366

Licda. Silvia Salazar Fallas

Position: Legal Counselor
Phone: (506) 2511-5834

Ing. Mauricio Villegas Rojas

Position: Manager of Innovation on Agri-food Sciences and Health
Phone: (506) 2511-3562

Bach. Diego A. Salas Mata

Position: Legal Counselor
Phone: (506) 2511-1359

Bach. Yorleni Campos Flores

Position: Innovation Manager in Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
Phone: (506) 2511- 5835

Bach. Cynthia Leandro Mora
