
Quality Management Unit (UGC, its acronym in Spanish)

It is assigned to the Research Management Department, created in 2006 by the Vice Rectory of Research and is responsible for the evaluation and research component in order to strengthen the research work.

Its objectives are:

  • To promote a culture of quality in academic units which carry out or support research.
  • To strengthen the quality management systems of academic units which perform or support research.
  • To encourage the implementation of integrated quality management systems in quality processes.
  • To encourage the continuous improvement of UCR scientific and academic journals through evaluation of editorial criteria, support for journals dissemination and the training in editorial management.
  • To improve the visibility of UCR academic and scientific production through the management of Kérwá Institutional Repository, UCR Journals Portal and support to open access.




The University of Costa Rica Cooperation Program for Tests and Laboratories Accreditation (PROCOA, for its acronym in Spanish) is registered in the Vice Rectory of Research as an external link project. Its objective is to establish a program to unify efforts and optimize resources for the accreditation of the Quality Management Systems of UCR Laboratories, in order to fulfill the necessary technical competence requirements, defined in the current Costa Rican regulations that apply to each case.

To achieve this objective, PROCOA proposes a series of activities:

  • To monitor and collaborate with the implementation of Quality Management Systems to achieve accreditation of PROCOA Laboratories.
  • To manage the entry of Laboratories to PROCOA.
  • To manage internal audits with the support of UCR Group of Internal Auditors in Quality Management (GAI, its acronym in Spanish).
  • To strengthen GAI’s competence through training.
  • To manage economic support to PROCOA Laboratories for equipment calibration.
  • To facilitate the inter-laboratory exchange for the harmonization of service offered by UCR Laboratories.
  • To collaborate with public institutions in the implementation of management systems.
  • To strengthen inter-institutional collaboration with the Costa Rican Accreditation Entity (ECA, its acronym in Spanish).
  • This project represents a valuable contribution to research. The implementation of quality management systems of laboratories controls the processes to ensure that research results and products are produced reliably and accurately.

Likewise, this project has represented a real interaction space for UCR researchers who carry out conformity assessments and work with quality management systems, through the strengthening of their competences, technical training, leadership and teamwork, among others.


Index of evaluation of UCR Journals. Find out more at:


Each year, Research Units (IU), through the Self-Assessment Guide, present their Work Report, which is the main input to monitor the development of the different research activities promoted by this Vice-Rectory and research products derived from the creation of knowledge in different disciplines. Currently, this Self-Assessment Guide was incorporated into an electronic register called the Research Units Information System (SIUDI), which aims to facilitate the submission of the form and be a tool that simplifies the systematization of the information provided by the UI. The form is available at

Academic Regime

According to the Regulations of Academic Regime, every professor who seeks for promotion has to undergo an academic evaluation. This includes the assessment of their research performance, which is done by the UGC of the Vice Rector’s Office for Research.

This assessment is done at the request of the professor, once he/she has applied for promotion at the Academic Evaluation Center (CEA for its Acronym in Spanish). The application for evaluation is responsibility of the professor, who has to establish contact with the UGC during the seven days after the request has been submitted to CEA.

When the assessment is finished, the obtained qualification has an effective date of two years, and then he/she can submit for a new assessment.

To request information and the form of filling please contact Andrea Marín at: (506) 2511-4412 or the e-mail


The Environmental Recognition System (SIREA, for its acronym in Spanish) is organized by the University of Costa Rica to acknowledge Cleaner Production and Eco-efficiency. For more information see


M.Sc.Andrea Marín Campos

Position: Quality Management Unit Coordinator
Phone: (+506) 2511-4412

M.Sc. Melissa Torres Zamora

Position: Quality Manager
Phone: (+506) 2511-4412

M.Sc. María José Hidalgo Gutiérrez

Position: Statistics
Phone: (+506) 2511 - 1381