Becas y financiamiento

Interregional Training Course on Certified Reference and Proficiency Testing Material for Food Safety Control Laboratories

Fecha inicio: Friday, March 1, 2019

Fecha límite: Friday, March 1, 2019

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is organizing the above event under the IAEA technical cooperation project INT5154, “Improving Food Safety through the Creation of an Interregional Network that Produces Reliable Scientific Data Using Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques”.

The purpose of the event is to train participants on production and use of certified reference and proficiency material used in food safety laboratories for measuring chemicals such as inorganic contaminants (mercury in fish tissue), antimicrobials in animal matrix and mycotoxins in selected products.

The Information Sheet and Logistical Arrangements available on the IAEA's InTouch+ platform provide further details, including technical and administrative aspects of the course. Selection of participants will be in accordance with IAEA procedures.

The IAEA will provide non-local participants with a round-trip air ticket based on the most direct and economical route between the airport nearest the participant’s residence and Buenos Aires. Travel details will be agreed with the participants upon receipt of their official nomination. Participants will also receive an allowance from the IAEA sufficient to cover their costs of lodging, daily subsistence and miscellaneous expenses for the duration of the course in line with IAEA rules and procedures.

We would appreciate receiving your country’s nominations by 1 March 2019 through the IAEA's InTouch+ platform ( Should this not be possible, applicants may download the Nomination Form for the course from the IAEA’s webpage. Completed forms must be endorsed by the relevant government authority and may be sent to the IAEA by email, fax or mail. Please be advised that late nominations or replacements of participants after the closing date for nominations will not be accepted.

We look forward to receiving your early response.


Raquel Scamilla Andreo Aledo

Programme Management Officer

Division for Latin America and the Caribbean

Department of Technical Cooperation



Mr Claudio Villarroel | Project Assistant|

Division for Latin America and the Caribbean | Department of Technical Cooperation |

International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria |

Email:| T: (+43-1) 2600-22957| F: (+43-1) 26007 |


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