Frequent Questions

What is a paid external link activity?


The external remunerated link activities are defined as “The Sale of goods and services linked to the research projects, technological development, consultancies and special courses (Article 94 Law 7169). To this, it applies to the institutional guidelines, especially the “Guidelines for the remunerated link of the University of Costa Rica with the External Sector (Alcance a la Gaceta Universitaria 3-2000) as well as the related national legislation.

The system of formulation, registration and management of the Vice Rector’s office typifies these activities in terms of the nature of its objectives on: repetitive services and hired research. However, in the practice we find three main types of offers to the external users:

  1. Specialized technical services: There are those services provided to the external sector, in which the human work teams, composed by personnel qualified and professionally trained, exert actions on its correspondent areas of competence, according to the interests of the hiring agent, that imply the use of procedures and specialized equipment as well  as the analysis of the specific parameters, mechanical, physical ,chemical, microbiologic, psychosocial, biological, legal, organizational, humanistic, among others (Ref. VI-4412-2009). Given the specialized character of the demand and the service to be offered, it requires the inscription of the service as a particularized activity.
  2. Analysis or repetitive services: Production and sale of goods and services of scientific, technological or intellectual services produced by the Institution and derived from the academic chores of the University (Manual of Good Practices in actions of remunerated link, 2008)
  3. Hired research: they refer to projects of research and development that the University makes on request of third persons, exerting a contractual relation.
