Research Center in Microscopic Structures, (CIEMIC, for its acronym in Spanish)
CIEMIC has four basic lines of research of its own:
Ultrastructure of Biological Systems
Ultrastructure of Pathological Systems
Ultrastructure of Materials
To lead the generation of new knowledge about the microscopic structure of biological and non-biological systems using high-resolution microscopy techniques seeking a high level of quality, innovation, and diversification in research, teaching and social outreach activities in the country.
Main functions
Research, teaching and social outreach.
Optical microscopy.
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy.
Confocal microscopy.
Elemental analysis (EDX).
In the biological field, diagnosis of infectious agents, histopathological diagnosis, plagues control, taxonomy, phytopathology, ultrastructure of commercial species, morphology and classification of species and development of new technologies are carried.
In materials, the center develops studies about the morphology and microstructure of materials and elementary analysis.
Non Remunerated
Advice students and professors about research techniques and procedures using high-resolution microscopy tools.
The Council of the External Link Unit has within its functions everything related to social outreach activities.
Analysis of requests of the microscopy services for exemption, particularly for undergraduate students and researchers to facilitate access to this tool.