Investigation Units

Basic Sciences

Research Center in Geological Sciences, (CICG, for its acronym in Spanish)

It is a multidisciplinary research scientific unit dedicated to the study of the geological processes that have given origin to the planet and continue modifying it. This is to provide society with the necessary inputs for an adequate management of geological resources, territory and risk.

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Geológicas (CICG)


  • To promote and support scientific studies about the history and characteristics of the different geological environments.
  • To perform scientific and technical studies in all branches of Geology.
  • To research the processes of internal and external geodynamics in order to contribute to the knowledge and improvement of management and risk reduction systems.
  • To carry out programs and activities of social outreach with the purpose of benefiting society with the achievements in research.
  • To promote multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and intradisciplinary research jointly with national and international institutions.

Main functions

  • To propose, process, execute, manage and disseminate research and social outreach projects.



  • Various projects of linkage with the external sector in any of the lines of research of the CICG
  • Mapping and Geographic Information Systems
  • Seismology and vulcanology
  • Risk management
  • Multidisciplinary Studies
  • Management of water resources

Non Remunerated

  • Eventually, advising to various institutional and government entities.