Investigation Units

Social Sciences

Institute in Psychological Research (IIP, for its acronym in Spanish)

It makes and stimulates the systematic research on Psychology, and it promotes programs and projects of interdisciplinary character. This allows giving training services especially through courses. It also advises and collaborates with the academic units, professors and researchers to conduct studies in their academic areas.

Logo IIP

Main functions

  • To collect, systematize and interpret information about the different psychological, pedagogical, and psychosocial aspects with the aim of improving the national reality.
  • To advise and collaborate with the academic units and researchers in order to make studies on the field of Psychology and on the research areas the Institute develops.
  • To integrate the activities of the Institute closely to the execution of teaching in the College of Social Sciences, and in those units that teach subjects associated with the discipline to get teachers-researchers to teach at least two lessons to enrich.
  • To contribute, research, apply and assess techniques of measurement to improve the process of registration to the University of Costa Rica.
  • To link research with all areas of social action in the University, especially in what corresponds to academic and popular scientific dissemination to achieve the purpose of community outreach.
  • To collaborate with the Graduate Study System, particularly with the Master’s degree in Cognitive Sciences and the Doctorate in Education.



  • Technical Advisory Project External Link FUNDEVI-2782-01
  • Courses on Teaching Extension, Project Frame ED-507 External Link FUNDEVI-1756
  • Sale of didactic material through an external link OAF EMPAUX101

Non Remunerated

  • School for fathers and mothers ED-2532