Institutional Commission of Biodiversity

This Commission began its work on December 11th, 2001 with the aim of contributing to the conservancy and adequate use of biodiversity in Costa Rica and the traditional knowledge associated with it.

To that end, it regulates and controls the access to biodiversity in Costa Rica through the labors of teaching, research, and non-profit social action of the University of Costa Rica.

The Institutional Commission of Biodiversity was created in accordance with the provisions of the Article 8 of the Regulations about Access to Biodiversity in Activities of Teaching, Social Action and Research of the UCR.( Reglamento sobre Acceso a la Biodiversidad en Actividades de Docencia, Acción social e Investigación de la UCR  )

This Commission is composed of one member of each academic area of the University and a representative of each Academic Vice Rector’s Office.

See the list of permissions of access to the genetic and biochemical resources of biodiversity





Dr. Adam P. Karremans

Experimental Station Lankester Botanical Garden (JBL) (Coordinator)

Dr. Daniel Briceño Lobo

Biology School

M.Sc. Monika Christine Springer

Biology School

Dra. Marielos Mora López


Dr.  Marco Barquero Arroyo

Caribbean Campus

Dr. Bernal Rodríguez Herrera

Biology School

M.Sc. Guillermo Artavia Rodríguez

School of Geography

 Arq. Viviana Paniagua Hernández, MSc.

School of Architecture

Dra. Lidieth Uribe Lorío

Agronomy School





Licda. Silvia Salazar Fallas

Vice Rector’s Office for Research



Lisseth Fernández Cordero

Vice-Rector’s Office for Research, UCR.

Email address:

Telephone number: (506) 2511-5845

Dr. Adam P. Karremans

Lankester Botanical Garden

Email address:

Telephone number: (506) 2511-7936