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Unidad de Investigación
ID: 808
Mostrando 16 personas investigadoras
Alfaro Monge, Bronia Del Carmen | Inactivo | |
Alvarado Castellon, Luis Diego | Inactivo | |
Ambrocio Paque, Sara | Inactivo | |
Araya Arce, Tatiana Maria | Inactivo | |
Araya Arce, Tatiana | Inactivo | |
Arce Montero, Adriana | Inactivo | |
Arce Monge, Hector Ivan | Inactivo | |
Arias Godinez, Gustavo | Inactivo | |
Avilés Vargas, Lidia | Inactivo | |
Azofeifa Soano, Juan Carlos | Inactivo | |
Azofeifa Solano, Juan Carlos | Inactivo | |
Bolaños Aguilar, Lucia | Activo | |
Breedy Shadid, Odalisca | Activo | |
Calderon Ramirez, Carlos Mario | Inactivo | |
Cambra Agusti, Marta | Inactivo | |
Cambronero Bolaños, Rebeca | Inactivo |
Mostrando 148 personal colaborador
Mostrando 20 proyectos
Mostrando 56 proyectos en colaboración
Mostrando 388 publicaciones
Predicción estacional para ASO de eventos extremos y días con precipitación sobre las vertientes Pacífico y Caribe de América Central, utilizando análisis de correlación canónica |
Riqueza de especies de invertebrados en playas de arena y costas rocosas del Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica/Invertebrate species richness in sandy beaches and rocky coast of Costa Rican North Pacific |
Efecto del esfuerzo de muestreo en la riqueza de táxones de macroinvertebrados acuáticos y el índice BMWP/Atitlán/Effect of sampling effort on taxa richness of aquatic macroinvertebrates and the BMWP/Atitlán index |
No disponible |
Tres Colón en Cariay (1502): reflexiones sobre la flota, el mar, la tierra y la flora |
La dinámica oceanográfica frente al Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe y su relación con la muerte del manglar |
No disponible |
The crown‑of‑thorns seastar species complex: knowledge on the biology and ecology of five corallivorous Acanthaster species |
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2024 |
Challenges for climate change adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean region |
2024 | |
An observational analysis of the eastern tropical Pacific Shallow Meridional Circulation using YOTC data and pilot balloons from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica |
2024 | |
Characterizing the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the Costa Rican Eastern Tropical Pacific using in situ data from field campaigns |
2024 | |
A decade of submersible observations revealed temporal trends in elasmobranchs in a remote island of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean |
2024 | |
Flood projections for selected Costa Rican main basins using CMIP6 climate models downscaled output in the HBV hydrological model for scenario SSP5-8.5 |
2024 | |
Contributions of the academy for a better understanding of the oceans in Costa Rica |
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2024 |
Observed interannual variability and projected scenarios of drought in the Chorotega region, Costa Rica |
2024 | |
Hydrodynamic analysis of the inner part of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica: Updating field measurements for coastal users |
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2024 |
Seagrasses in the Eastern Tropical Pacific: species, distribution, ecology, blue carbon, and threats |
2024 | |
Testing the feasibility of coral nurseries in an upwelling area in the North Pacific of Costa Rica |
2024 | |
Spatiotemporal variability of the rainy season in the Yucatan Peninsula |
2024 | |
Predators of the sea urchin Diadema mexicanum (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) at the Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reefs |
2024 | |
Variation of the diet of the sea urchin (Diadema mexicanum (Diadematoida: Diadematidae)) according to its size in the Eastern Tropical Pacific |
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2024 |
Levelling-up rhodolith-bed science to address global-scale conservation challenges |
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2023 |
Southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) (Artiodactyla: balaenopteridae) singing activity at Caño Island Biological Reserve, Costa Rica before, during, and after COVID-19 lockdowns |
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2023 |
Weather types for the seasonal transitions in Central America |
2023 | |
Succession of the sessile benthic community at a coral reef restoration site |
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2023 |
Spatio-temporal Downscaling Emulator for Regional Climate Models |
2023 | |
Escenarios de Cambio Climático en los Parques Nacionales Rincón de la Vieja y Palo Verde en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. Afectación de sus servicios ecosistémicos. |
2023 | |
Nursery-reared coral outplanting success in an upwelling-influenced area in Costa Rica |
2023 | |
Change in the composition of fauna associated with Pocillopora spp. (Scleractinia, Pocilloporidae) following transplantation |
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2023 |
Contaminación del agua del río Durazno, Costa Rica: más allá del índice holandés de calidad del agua |
2023 | |
Catálogo digital de las macroalgas marinas del Caribe de Costa Rica |
2023 | |
Phylogenomic Insights into the Phylogeography of Halophila baillonii Asch. |
2023 | |
Percepción comunitaria sobre arrecifes coralinos en Golfo Dulce: bases para integración social en programas de restauración |
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2023 |
Microplastics in feed cause sublethal changes in the intestinal microbiota and a non-specific immune response indicator of the freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) |
2023 | |
Calidad fisicoquímica y microbiológica del agua costera en Nicoya, Costa Rica: comparación de tres playas con diferente impacto turístico y administración |
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2023 |
Central America urgently needs to reduce the growing adaptation gap to climate change |
2023 | |
Diversidad funcional de peces herbívoros arrecifales en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental |
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2023 |
Metodología para el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia multisectorial a la variabilidad climática en el cantón fronterizo La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica |
2023 | |
Patterns of reef fish taxonomic and functional diversity in the Eastern Tropical Pacific |
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2023 |
Applying the SES Framework to coral reef restoration projects on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica |
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2023 |
Status of coral reef communities on the caribbean coast of Costa Rica: Are we talking about corals or macroalgae reefs? |
2023 | |
Atmospheric circulation types controlling rainfall in the Central American Isthmus |
2022 | |
El Mega-Niño de 1925-1926 y sus repercusiones en la sociedad costarricense |
2022 | |
Sediment organic carbon stocks were similar among four species compositions in a tropical seagrass meadow |
2022 | |
Origen, impactos de la sequía, sus efectos en la población y la planificación de estrategias ante los mismos en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano (CSC) |
2022 | |
Presence of microplastics in six bivalve species (Mollusca, Bivalvia) commercially exploited at the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America |
2022 | |
Variación temporal ecológica de playas de arena según diferente nivel de conservación en la zona del Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica |
2022 | |
First characterization of seagrasses at S´amara Bay, Pacific coast of Costa Rica |
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2022 |
11'-α-Tocomonoenol is the major α-tocomonoenol isomer in cyanobacteria and microalgae from Costa Rica |
2022 | |
Megaherbivore exclusion led to more complex seagrass canopies and increased biomass and sediment Corg pools in a tropical meadow |
2022 | |
Comparación de métodos de detección del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa basado en datos de precipitación |
2022 | |
Diversity of deep-sea echinoderms from Costa Rica |
2022 | |
Monitoreo y caracterización de microplásticos en arenas de playas y aguas costeras de Costa Rica |
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2022 |
Seagrasses benefit from mild anthropogenic nutrient additions |
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2022 |
Probability of induced extreme precipitation events in Central America due to tropical cyclone positions in the surrounding oceans |
2022 | |
Proporción sexual, estado nutricional y origen natal de las tortugas marinas Chelonia mydas y Eretmochelys imbricata en un sitio de alimentación en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica |
2022 | |
Population structure and genetic connectivity 1 of the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) across nursery grounds from the Eastern Tropical Pacific: implications for management and conservation |
2022 | |
First insights into the prokaryotic community structure of Lake Cote, Costa Rica: Influence on nutrient cycling |
2022 | |
Manifestación del veranillo en las cuencas de los ríos Grande de Tárcoles y Tempisque en la vertiente del Pacífico de Costa Rica y algunas características generales de ambas cuencas |
2022 | |
Cambio Climático en América Central, proyecciones hidrológicas e impactos en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano |
2022 | |
Pocillopora spp. growth analysis on restoration structures in an Eastern Tropical Pacific upwelling area |
2022 | |
Marine litter of Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica 2021 (Data matrix) |
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2022 |
Spatial and temporal dynamics of the hydrology at Salinas Bay, Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific. |
2021 | |
Reef environments of murciélago islands and Santa Elena peninsula, Guanacaste conservation area, Costa Rican pacific |
2021 | |
Taxonomic and Functional Diversity of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages and Water Quality in Rivers of the Dry Tropics of Costa Rica |
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2021 |
Cambios climáticos proyectados de modelos CMIP5 en La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica |
2021 | |
The effect of coral reef degradation on the trophic structure of reef fishes from Bahía Culebra, north Pacific coast of Costa Rica |
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2021 |
Variación temporal ecológica de playas de arena según diferente nivel de conservación en la zona del Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica |
2021 | |
Recolección y preservación de muestras para la medición de variables del sistema de CO2 en aguas marino - costeras |
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2021 |
Forcing of cool and warm subsurface water events in Bahía Salinas, Costa Rica |
2021 | |
Identification of tropical cyclones’ critical positions associated with extreme precipitation events in Central America |
2021 | |
Echinoderm research perspectives: A Central American bibliometric review |
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2021 |
The coral-associated fauna and sessile benthic reef community of Pocillopora coral colonies following transplantation in Golfo Dulce, South Pacific, Costa Rica: Composition, dynamics and succession |
2021 | |
Claves para la identificación de los peces de las aguas continentales e insulares de Costa Rica. Parte I: Familias |
2021 | |
Ascidian diversity of Costa Rica, including new records for the North Pacific |
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2021 |
Pocillopora cryptofauna and their response to host coral mortality |
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2021 |
Bosques de coral negro del Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica: especies y distribución |
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2021 |
Diversidad de los hábitats submareales de la Península de Santa Elena e Islas Murciélago, Pacífico Norte, Costa Rica |
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2021 |
Análisis de eventos fríos y cálidos por medio de datos de buceo: un enfoque de ciencia ciudadana en el Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica |
2021 | |
Respuestas del mesozooplancton a condiciones oceanográficas en diferentes escalas en Bahía Salinas, Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica, durante 2011-2013. |
2021 | |
Distribución del pez sierra de dientes grandes (Pristis pristis) en Costa Rica: reconstrucción histórica y actual mediante métodos tradicionales y ADN ambiental |
2021 |
Decapods crustaceans associated with macroinvertebrates in the Pacific of Costa Rica |
2021 |
Área de Conservación Guanacaste Echinoderms, North Pacific of Costa Rica |
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2021 |
Projected changes in temperature and precipitation over the United States, Central America and the Caribbean in CMIP6 GCMs |
2021 | |
Análisis de los conglomerados de precipitación y sus cambios estacionales sobre América Central para el período 1976-2015 |
2021 | |
Xantismo en peces cíclidos (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) costarricenses, y variación ontogenética en Parachromis dovii |
2021 | |
Erosión costera y estabilidad de playas en Limón, Mar Caribe, Costa Rica |
2021 | |
Global biogeography and diversification of a group of brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) driven by clade-specific evolutionary processes |
2021 | |
Lesions in octocorals of the Costa Rican Caribbean during the 2015-2016 El Niño |
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2021 |
Visualization of 40 Years of Tropical Cyclone Positions and Their Rainfall |
2021 | |
Sustained photobiological hydrogen production by Chlorella vulgaris without nutrient starvation |
2021 | |
Growth and natural mortality of Diadema mexicanum A. Agassiz, 1863, from west-central Mexico |
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2020 |
First record of hybridization in Caranx Lacepède, 1801 (Carangidae: Perciformes) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean |
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2020 |
Crustaceans (Decapoda & Stomatopoda) from Golfo Dulce (Pacific, Costa Rica) in the collection of the Museum of Zoology, University of Costa Rica |
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2020 |
Air-exposure behavior: a restricted or a common conduct among intertidal hermit crabs? |
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2020 |
Microplastic ingestion by a herring Opisthonema sp. in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica |
2020 | |
Comparación de parámetros de valor extremo de la distribución generalizada asociada a eventos de precipitación extrema en América Central |
2020 | |
Standardized Drought Indices for pre-summer drought assessment in tropical areas |
2020 | |
Neotropical freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) shred leaves |
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2020 |
Examination of WRF-ARW experiments using different planetary boundary layer parameterizations to study the rapid intensification and trajectory of Hurricane Otto 2016 |
2020 | |
Gelidium gonzalezii sp.nov. (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) from the Mexican tropical Pacific based on molecular and morphological evidence |
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2020 |
Gestión Integrada Marina y Costera en Costa Rica |
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2020 |
Fungal Communities in Sediments Along a Depth Gradient in the Eastern Tropical Pacific |
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2020 |
First description of the larva of Psaironeura, based on specimens of P. anegloi from Costa Rica (Odonata: Coenagrionidae: Protoneurinae), with a key to the genera of Central American Protoneurinae. |
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2020 |
Photobiochemical changes in Chlorella g120 culture during trophic conversion (metabolic pathway shift) from heterotrophic to phototrophic growth regime |
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2020 |
Independent evolutionary lineage of the clingfish Gobiesox adustus (Gobiesocidae) from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica |
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2020 |
Misidentification of Bellator gymnostethus (Gilbert, 1892) as Prionotus ruscarius Gilbert & Starks, 1904 (Scorpaeniformes: Triglidae) |
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2020 |
Primer registro del género Interocoris (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) en Centroamérica y observaciones sobre Interocoris mexicanus. |
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2020 |
Unearthing 20th-century treasures: new records of deep-sea crustaceans from the Costa Rican Pacific |
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2020 |
Pentamera fonsecae n. sp. a new species of sea cucumber from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida: Thyonidae) |
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2020 |
Evolutionary history of the reef fish Anisotremus interruptus (Perciformes: Haemulidae) throughout the Tropical Eastern Pacific |
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2020 |
The fishes from the Coto River basin, Pacific coast, Costa Rica |
2020 | |
Photosynthetic characterization of two Nannochloropsis species and its relevance to outdoor cultivation |
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2020 |
Asociación entre los índices de sequía e impactos socio-productivos provocados por sequías en Costa Rica |
2020 | |
Ampliación del ámbito de distribución y primer registro de Colpomenia tuberculata (Ectocarpales, Scytosiphonaceae) para Nayarit, México |
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2020 |
Synchronized sexual reproduction of the seagrass Syringodium filiforme (Cymodoceaceae) in a tropical reef lagoon on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica |
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2020 |
Distribución de temperatura y salinidad en campañas oceanográficas recientes en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental de Costa Rica |
2020 | |
Impact of El Niño 2015-2016 on the coral reefs of the Pacific of Costa Rica: the potential role of marine protection |
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2020 |
Variación estacional y características fisicoquímicas e hidrológicas que influyen en los macroinvertebrados acuáticos, en un río tropical |
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2020 |
The systematics of Lobophora (Dictytotales, Paheophyceae) in the western atlantic and eastern pacific oceans: eight new species |
2019 | |
Water quality in Costa Rica |
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2019 |
Crustáceos (Decapoda y Stomatopoda) del R.V. Skimmer y R.V. Victor Hensen en el Golfo de Nicoya, Pacífico, Costa Rica |
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2019 |
Benefits of protection on reef fish assemblages in a human impacted region in Costa Rica |
2019 | |
New record of Stellamedusa ventana Raskoff & Matsumoto, 2004 in the Eastern Tropical Pacific |
2019 | |
Determinants of reef fish assemblages in tropical Oceanic islands |
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2019 |
New records of Swiftia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Octocorallia) from off the Pacific Costa Rican margin, including a new species from methane seeps |
2019 | |
Description of a new species of Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Crustacea: Paguroidea: Paguridae) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America, with notes on Pagurus albus (Benedict, 1892) |
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2019 |
A new species of the genus Psammogorgia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from the Hannibal Bank in Pacific Panama |
2019 | |
Freshwater crabs as predators and prey: the case of Ptychophallus uncinatus Campos & Lemaitre, 1999 (Brachyura, Pseudothelphusidae) from Costa Rica, Central America |
2019 | |
New reports of echinoderms on the Caribbean continental slope of central America |
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2019 |
La colección de Entomología Acuática del Museo de Zoología, Universidad de Costa Rica: lista actualizada de géneros, importancia y retos futuros |
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2019 |
New records of marine decapods and stomatopods in Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG): four years of marine biodiversity inventorying |
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2019 |
Large-scale climatic phenomena drive fluctuations in macroinvertebrate assemblages in lowland tropical streams, Costa Rica: The importance of ENSO events in determining long-term (15y) patterns |
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2019 |
A New Species of Gorgonian Octocoral from the Mesophotic Zone off the Central Coast of California, Eastern Pacific with a Key to Related Regional Taxa (Anthozoa, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) |
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2019 |
Energy flow structure and role of keystone groups in shallow water environments in Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific |
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2019 |
Coordinated hunting behaviors of mixed-species groups of piscivores and associated species at Isla del Coco National Park (Eastern Tropical Pacific) |
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2019 |
Spatial and temporal changes in reef fish assemblages on disturbed coral reefs, north Pacific coast of Costa Rica |
2019 |
Dynamical delimitation of the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC) using drought indices and aridity values |
2019 | |
Precursors of quasi-decadal dry-spells in the Central America Dry Corridor |
2019 | |
Growth and hydrogen production by three Chlamydomonas strains cultivated in a commercial fertilizer |
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2019 |
I Simposio sobre Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad: Hacia el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia y acciones requeridas ante el Cambio Climático en Latinoamérica |
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2019 |
CMIP5 climate change hydroclimatic projections for Central America |
2019 | |
sandy.beaches.ecology.cvs |
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2019 |
Seagrass organic carbon stocks show minimal variation over short time scales in a heterogeneous subtropical seascape |
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2018 |
Salinity effect on embryonic development and survival of the first zoeal stage of Macrobrachium tenellum (Smith, 1871) (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) |
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2018 |
Rapid bioerosion in a tropical upwelling coral reef |
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2018 |
Regional precipitation estimations in Central America using the Weather Research and Forecast model |
2018 | |
Desarrollo costero y ambientes marino-costeros en Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica |
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2018 |
Natural ocean acidification at Papagayo upwelling system (north Pacific Costa Rica): implications for reef development |
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2018 |
Seagrasses of Costa Rica: from the mighty Caribbean to the dynamic meadows of the Eastern Tropical Pacific |
2018 | |
A review of the main drivers and variability of Central America’s Climate and seasonal forecast systems |
2018 | |
Vertical accretion and carbon burial rates in subtropical seagrass meadows increased following anthropogenic pressure from European colonisation |
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2018 |
Importancia del alcance en redes del CIGEFI-UCR: Un estudio de los datos, según las publicaciones realizadas en los períodos entre 1979-2015 |
2018 | |
New records of benthic marine macroalgae from the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica |
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2018 |
New insights into the molecular phylogeny of the swimming crabs of the genera Portunus Weber, 1795 and Achelous De Haan, 1833 (Brachyura: Portunidae) of the Americas |
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2018 |
El deslizamiento del 8 de diciembre de 1994 en el volcán Irazú (Costa Rica): aspectos históricos y geomorfología con base en fotografías aéreas históricas y recientes |
2018 | |
Responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to human pressure in a tropical highland volcanic basin: Birrís River, Irazú Volcano (Costa Rica) |
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2018 |
Valoración socioeconómica del impacto de la variabilidad climática sobre la pesca artesanal en Costa Rica |
2018 | |
Intra- and inter-annual variation in a seagrass meadow on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica: 2009-2015 |
2018 | |
Proyecciones climáticas para la Isla del Coco de un conjunto de modelos CMIP5 |
2018 | |
Reproductive biology of the commercially exploited kolibri shrimp, Solenocera agassizii (Decapoda: Solenoceridae), from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, with considerations for its management |
2018 | |
Observed Changes (1970-1999) in Extreme Hydroclimatic Events in Central America |
2018 | |
Avances en el análisis de datos de CTD de la Isla del Coco, Pacífico Tropical del Este, Costa Rica |